Monday, January 14, 2013

It all leads up to our first ER visit

So Dylan has been sick a lot this winter, more than I think is fair (the Dr. said it was actually a pretty normal amount for his age).  That being said, these last two+ weeks have been the worst!  Here's the breakdown.

Friday, December 28th- we flew home from Boise and everything seemed fine.  That night around 3 am Dylan woke up and was burning up.  He had a temp of 102.

Saturday, December 29th - took Dylan to see the Dr. (side note, I love our peds office and how readily available they are!)  The Dr. confirmed his temperature but said it was likely just the start of something viral and nothing they could do for him.

Monday, December 31st/Tuesday, January 1st - Rang in the new year with Dylan puking all over me.  It was at exactly 11:58 pm - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Wednesday, January 2nd - Took Dylan back to the Dr. and find out he had an ear infection

Wednesday, January 9th - Late in the evening we noticed a rash developing on Dylan's thighs

Thursday, January 10th - We call the Dr. first thing in the morning and they tell us just to keep an eye on it and if it gets worse to come in.  By noon it was worse.  The Dr. suspects he's allergic to the amoxicillin he's been taking for 9 days! and tells us to stop giving it to him.  By this time he looks like this.

Friday, January 11th - Dylan wakes up from a nap at 6:30 pm in hysterics! His rash is worse and his knees, ankles, and feet are swollen.  We call the Dr. and they assure us it's part of the amoxicillin allergy and to give him benadryl and tylenol.  It's hard to tell from this picture, but trust me, he was swollen.

Sunday, January 13th - Dylan is fussy all day long!  He wakes up from a nap again around 6:30 and is burning up!  His temperature spikes at 104.2 and we take him to the ER for the first time.  The ER doctor suspects that his amoxicillin rash is also accompanied by something called serum sickness which he says is rare in babies, but causes the swelling and high fevers.  Sadly, there's not a dang thing they can do for him except wait it out.  :(

We're still not 100% sure what's wrong, if it's an allergy or a virus or a combination of both, but we're certainly hoping he's on the mend and it's behind us (fingers crossed!)

Oh, and to top things off, based on the amount of drool and the time his fingers have spent in his mouth, I'm pretty sure the poor kid is getting some new teeth!

Please start feeling better little one, but until then, feel free to do all the sleeping you'd like!


  1. Poor Dylan (and parents)! I hope he is feeling better. There is nothing worse than a sick baby. You have become quite the blogger! Every time I check you have posted something new. Dylan is super cute and it's fun watching him grow!

  2. His poor little ankles... you can most definitely tell he is swollen.

  3. So sad! My oldest had that kind of rash that would come suddenly, often on a different part of his body each time, and then slowly fade over a day's time, only to return a day (or 2 weeks) later. They never figured out what it was, but it finally "burned itself out" after about 6 weeks of doing this, never to return. Kids. They make you crazy even when they're not trying! Hope you all feel better soon!
