Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dylan in October 2015

October is without a doubt your favorite month!  You love pumpkin patches, dressing up, trick-or-treating and everything in between!  You are so fun to be around all the time, but especially when the excitement of a holiday is bubbling inside of you!

You love to tell knock knock jokes and think you're totally hilarious.
You will not go to the bathroom unless I first spray air freshener, so funny and random.
We have been practicing counting and you almost always skip the number five
You caught the stomach bug that your sister had, but thankfully it only lasted a day!
You loved everything about Disneyland (well except for the Little Mermaid ride) - I plan to do an entire Disney post, but it needed to be noted how much you enjoyed it!
You are obsessed with The Nightmare Before Christmas, it's always on!
You are still loving preschool and getting to spend time with all your friends a couple times a week!

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