Dearest D, I love you! You are my favorite little boy, you make me laugh and bring me to the verge of insanity pretty much daily, but I wouldn't change a thing about you! I've heard the term "threenager" in the past, and I think you are officially one! So opinionated, so silly, so persistent, so sweet, so demanding, so lovable! Thanks for being my best little buddy, my number one cuddler, and my favorite little boy!
You have been SUPER sensitive and emotional lately!
You won't allow me to leave your site for even a minute! One day I got out of the car to get gas and peeked in to see you bawling because I'd gotten out of the car.
My favorite thing you say lately is "oh bummer dude"
For the longest time you've always responded with "yup" and now it's suddenly "yes" something about the way you say it is so so cute!
You love having friends/family over for visits and get so devastated when they have to leave
Holidays with you are the BEST and Easter was no exception!
I went and had your pictures done and you were such a ham for the photographer, also you look SO grown up in the photos!
Your dad set up a trampoline for you this month and you've been in heaven!
You love love love going to the park and swinging
For months you've refused to take a bath, and then suddenly this month you've decided you like them again, thank goodness!!