Saturday, October 19, 2013

23 Months

My last month of having a one year old!  *sob*  You my sweet boy are growing way too fast!  That being said there is nothing I love more than being able to see the world through your eyes.  Everything is new and exciting!  I dare say you have hit the "terrible twos" a bit earlier.  You can throw one intense fit!  Luckily you can also be the sweetest boy on the planet, so I suppose it all balances out!  We love you so so much!!

You have figured out how to open doors, you're still working no mastering it, but in no time we will be fighting a constant battle of keeping you inside!
Along with the above mentioned terrible twos we've started implementing time out.  You don't quite get it yet, and when asked if you need a time out, you usually respond with a "yeah" and then have a total melt down when we actually do it.
You went to your first (and second) BYU football game!  Your favorite part was wandering around and eating a cougar tail!
You are constantly saying "uh oh, gui?"  We're pretty sure it means "got it"
You pull the funniest faces - you're such a character!
You have started walking down the stairs, and most the time refuse my offer to hold you hand.  It scares me to death!
You have started having an opinion on what you wear and some days we'll go through quite a few shirts before you decide your happy.
You are the best helper!  You love a good task!

Your current favorite book is the Berenstain Bears and will regularly sit through an entire book (there are a lot of words in those books for a one year old!)
To say you love animals in an understatement!  Every day you're learning a new animal and the sound they make!
You also really love dinosaurs and have the cutest little "roar" in the world!
You think it's sooo funny when we make the dogs stand on their hind legs and "dance"
Your favorite movie is Winnie the Pooh and you watch "The backson song" all day long!
You are a little obsessed with noses, whether it's pointing them out on different people or animals or getting a kleenex to blow your own.
You love going for walks and collecting leaves and rocks along the way.
You've turned me couch into a "slide" and it keeps you entertained for quite awhile most days.

You once again hate your car seat.  We seem to go through phases on this one!
You still really hate the word no, however, you are very good at using it!
Time out.  Every time I worry you are going to hyperventilate and the longest the ever last are 30-45 seconds.
You hate getting your haircut and scream and cry the entire time.  Luckily you get a balloon and sucker afterwards which makes it all bearable.  


Love you my little one year old!

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