Saturday, July 14, 2012

Eight Months

Dylan has been busy this last month!  I was sitting in bed the other night just thinking how amazing it is how quickly babies learn/grow/change.  Just imagine if we continued learning and growing at the rate of infants our entire lives!  I feel like some things just happened so naturally that it's hard to even pinpoint exactly when it occurred and then others have been fairly traumatic for everyone involved (yes teething, I'm talking about you!)  I swear every stage is just as great as the one prior and while there are times I miss my tiny newborn who just wants to cuddle with me all day, i'm loving my now mobile eight month old!

His baby jabber has officially turned into the sounds of "mama" we've also heard "dada" and "hi" (I'm still undecided on if this counts as a "first word" or not!)
We have not one, but two teeth!  bottom left on 6/20 and bottom right on 7/2
Army Crawling all over the house!  Really got mobile on 6/27.  His favorite destinations include; doggies, cords, shoes, door stop, diaper box, stroller, car seat, dog bowls, toes, and mom!
First trip to Hogle Zoo
Every time he laughs he gets the hiccups
Went swimming for the first time and loved it!
Often gets mistaken for a girl and when corrected the response is always "oh, but those eye lashes!"

Books - his favorite being Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?
Napkins and Paper towels
Funny and/or new sounds made by mom and dad
Climbing all over mom and dad
The puppies, and by likes I mean loves!  Specifically pulling tails, ears, and paws
Sharing a popsicle with dad
Toys that make sounds/sing songs
Giggling with daddy

When mom leaves the room, or even acts like she's going to.  If I stand up, he cries.
Being with anyone other than mom after 8:00 p.m.
The doggies hiding from him
Not getting his way - I can't believe these tantrums are already starting!
His car seat - still - except now he fights me when I try to put him in it

Happy 2/3's of a year our amazing little boy!
Dad and Mom are crazy about you!!

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