Monday, August 29, 2011


Well folks, I am happy to report that I have officially reached the third trimester, 28 weeks today(!) and for the most part, feeling great. Sure I've got various aches and pains, not to mention the heartburn (oh the heartburn!) but overall I have no room to complain. Not only can I not complain, I am super grateful - I just got off the phone with my nurse and my glucose test came back fine and my blood pressure was perfectly normal at my appointment today (it's been a bit high at the last two appointments). I can hardly believe I'm saying this, but I'm really loving this phase of pregnancy. I love the little kicks and hiccups and am kinda in love with my growing belly! At least when it's covered, uncovered it's pretty yucky and already covered in stretch marks, but I figure no one really saw my stomach before pregnancy, so it shouldn't matter too much. Here's hoping that the third trimester is as kind to me as the second was! Just 12 weeks to go and our little boy will be in our arms. Hurray!

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